Your 2024 current value statement

14 October 2024

As in previous years we will be issuing current value statements to all members of the Scheme who are not yet taking their benefits.

For 2024 we will be sending the statement between October and December.

  • If you are an active, joint member (meaning you have benefits in both the RMSPS and in the Royal Mail Pension Plan (RMPP) and are still building retirement savings with the RMPP) you will receive your statement in October.
  • If you are a deferred joint member (meaning you have benefits in both the RMSPS and RMPP but are not longer building retirement savings) or are a section A/B member you will receive your statement in November.
  • If you are a section C member you will receive your statement in December.

What does your statement show?

Your current value statement shows the value of the benefits you have built up in the RMSPS at 1 April 2024. You will also see the personal details we hold for you. Please check this information carefully.

If you need to make changes, you can do this online using our online pension portal. It’s easy to register and log in. Have a look at our sign-up page for more information.

Read the 2024 Current Value Statement glossaries for further information:

If you continued to be employed by Royal Mail after 1 April 2012 you may have built up benefits in the Royal Mail Pension Plan (RMPP). This means you'll receive two statements, one from the RMSPS and another from the RMPP. The graphic below illustrates which scheme covers which period.
